Seller Central
Meet other Sellers - share your experiences, ask for advice, and socialize! Changing the way they do promos? Someone more intelligent than me please explain this one.
eBay is introducing Managed Returns to the UK, telling sellersthey could see a 9 percent increase in sales along with betterfeedback as a result of enrolling in the program, which rolls outat the end of the month.
At all? Been trying, off and on, for about 6 hours.
Hi! The case was lost due to the transit between Canada and USA transit period. Pay pal refunded the amount $306 to the buyer and the item value costed over $506 on my collected stamp displaying bid with eBay. I feel that the item should be returned ...
I'm done with shipping to Central/South America & Mexico!!! 8 refunds on cases opened in the past month. 5 to Argentina and 1 to Brazil plus 2 in Mexico. Communication from the buyers is brutal even when I make the effort to message them in their lan...
A while back, I sold a glass pottery item. Thought I had put enough packing, bubblewrap, peanuts, tape, to withstand pretty much anything. Received an e-mail from the buyer about a week later, who sent pictures showing that the piece had broken in tr...
Where and how do I find all my detailed seller's transaction including the total amount I sold on eBay from the begining of 2013 till present?Thanks.
Isn't this a pile of LIES!
Quite often, when dealing with a newbie, I leave positive feedback such as "I see an ebay legend in the making!" or " I sense a new ebay powerhouse" etc. etc. I've just gone back over some of the feedback that I left like that and it's all been remov...
Can we get a button to "send another invoice" after we make sales, like the "leave more feedback" button? Like, I sell a few dozen cards in a particular evening, and to send invoices I have to go back to my ebay, click on awaiting payement, then find...
I just received a message supposedly from Paypal saying that I had sent a payment to a person in Australia. I checked my Paypal account, but it isn't there. I have forgotten how to forward it to Paypal, also, what information do they need? It is so l...
I always expect sales to drop off during the summer but I thought this year might be different. We're not having summer in Manitoba this year so I thought maybe people would start browsing eBay . The warm weather didn't come until July -- we had two ...
Something I've always done when I buy TPI is to round the numbers. That is: If an item sells for $329 plus $68 shipping and I ship with tracked packet I'll insure for $300 even though its not my selling price. It just occurred to me that TPI provider...
Hi! A discussion about shipping in another thread reminded me that when 2013 began I was worried about what impact the Canada Post "no insurance" for small packets was going to have for me because:-for trackable countries it is frighteningly expensiv...
I'm sure there are a variety of ways people manage their items etc, but here is something I do that lets me: -from within "My eBay" tell how "old" a GTC item is without opening it-manage my "standard description text" in Turbolister. The last digit o...
Ugh!! Why do people have to be like this!! I have a nOOb Canadian buyer who started bidding on a bunch of my .99 cent auctions. After bidding on about 6 or 7 and even though my combined shipping information is stated in every ad, he messages me to as...
ok, another question. i find the fees can destroy any profit you make at under 10 items. any thoughts? comments?
So I relalize sales are slow for the majority of people here. But, what format do you use, most successfully? I personall like BIN with submit best offer format. Longer times, etc. I dont sell alot on ebay, but would like some input.Thanks
After a mildly heated discussion in this board. I decide to check out the items of one of the other posters. I saw an item of interest and sent two message to get shipping charges to my house. I then received a reply that this is not only childish an...
I use because I am Canadian and my bank is in Canada, however all of my products are in South Korea. I want to set my international shipping rates to be different depending on the country. I pay very little for shipping to the US, and a bit m...
Dear ebayers. Can anyone help me out with this? International buyers when purchasing the 1st item from my store are required to pay immediately before they are able to purchase any other item. They are not able to pay combined purchase and shipping a...
By invitation only: By Ina Steiner June 03, 2013 Invited sellers can list up to 10 auction or fixed-price listings and pay no fees, though they will have to pay fees for optional features such as Reserve Price, Subtitle, Gallery Pl...
An item: Native american turtle, feather earring. No action for 3-4 mon. ugg , what why, any suggestions , thank you
I woke up to a question from a buyer this morning about a knitting pattern. "How long does this take to make"? I explained that it would depend on how quickly you knit.
I have been selling and buying on eBay since 2000 and actual even before this through another user name. I had a run of bad luck last June with some shipping. We had a postal strike and I list 10 day handling. Well, a couple of buyers decided to give...
Hello, please read the message between me and buyer . Buyer says if he does not get positive feedback buyer WILL leave negative feedback. Why hasn't this extortion expert been banned from ebay? if you read buyers feedback buyer does this on EVERY pur...
How can you filter out the NEW hats when looking for old vintage hats? Vintage hats are old.I do not want to waste my time looking at hundreds of NEW Vintage STYLE hats. Make sellers say if NEW or OLD in their headline. Or maybe make special category...
Hello. I recently listed two rare dolls and I received two "lay away offers" (one was 50$ first in my account and 500$ later...he said he really really wanted the doll) What are lay away offers anyway ?? Tell me if I'm being paranoid or something, bu...
Please have a look at these three listings, 370802861660, 370811324513, 350837074726. It is the exact same item being sold. They were reported to eBay as duplicate, triplicate listings on two or more occasions but fell on deaf ears or blind eyes. How...