Seller Central
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Hello, I am wondering if it is possible to block buyers from purchasing my items who are in Newfoundland Canada. I am also in Canada but shipping to Newfoundland is VERY expensive for me. I try to keep shipping and my prices as low as possible to att...
I was expecting this and was correct, the rates went up but CP hasn't updated the online manuals yet. I have two different manuals in two different places on the CP website with all my important tables, they still have not yet been updated. I know at...
Which 3rd party program is best for listing on ebay (using templates) We used to use Auctiva, is there one that you use that you are happy with?Thanks!
I had a US buyer purchase a CD from me. When I went to print postage it stated no such address. The buyer lives in a small town in Oklahoma population about 800. I googled the place and the streets are numbered ie 1st St E or W and the North and Sout...
I promoted listings in bulk for a week and now want to stop promoting but can't find an option to do it in bulk. Can we or we really need to stop promoting one by one?
I sent out offers to buyers for discounts and one of my buyers says she paid the original price by mistake. I don't doubt that she's telling the truth, but is there some way for me to see what the price of the item was before the discount?
... is that more folks came to ask questions here to get input and advice before listing , or trying something, instead of just coming here to vent after the fact. There is a lot of experience in this board, and I thank you all for the input over the...
Hi, I've now had my item go to 7 day auction 7 times, and every time the winner is a brand new account from the Phillipines and does not respond or pay. Clearly they've setup a US mailing address cause I've blocked bidding for non US addresses. I blo...
good day sellers, question for you, I am in the process of selling an item, just had email confirmation it sold, however of the 3 shipping options i have on the listing the buyer selected the cheapest with "no tracking", i know i should have taken it...
So I'm forecast to have TRS seller level for the first time in quite some time on my next seller evaluation and I have a question about that. Say a buyer places an order on the 19th using Best Offer and doesn't send payment until the 20th or after. I...
Just wonder your experience as canadian seller, is it something usual to have a very low selling ratio to US? The biggest market in my category is the US, it would make sense to me to have buyers, but weirdly my sales are maybe something around less ...
Notice recently that us old time desktop/laptop users can now utilize this as well! So today started experimenting with it for two auctions. Started one on .COM (cost $1.99) and one on .CA (cost $4.99) I can see where I got charged the fee, but I can...
One of my comic book listings is signed and contains a Certificate of Authenticity. Ebay incorrectly has marked this as "personal contact information" and has threatened to delist the item if I don't "make it compliant" how do I edit my listing so th...
Since ebay forced everyone to stop using paypal they also decided to take %12 from shipping that the customer pays. I think this is OURAGEOUS. What right does ebay have to take anything from shipping. People pay money for shipping which already expen...
I know some of you may of this but I'm posting it here for reference: Canada Post as of today (Thursday) is suspending mail delivery for Metro Vancouver, Vancouver Island and the Fraser Valley due to winter storm until conditions improve. https://glo...
Ebay is now adding best offer to auctions without it being selected. They are also taking the auction starting price and rounding up to the next $ and dividing it by 2 and using that amount in the "automatically reject lower than field". Got a super ...
I have to put a new credit card on my eBay account, but for the life of me I can't find where to do it. I know someone here will have the answer. I thought it would be on personal info, but no.
Here you go folks. Attached is an image version of the 2021 postage chart I made. Please feel free to use / print it out if you find this useful. Chart actually created on Jan 16 2021... I made a typo on the date haha $1.07 is stamp rate if you're on...
I ship to a company that then re-ships my packages and in the Holiday rush I didn't notice for the first time ever they closed between Christmas and New Year. This caused 3 boxes of packages to end up with a tracking showing "Business temporarily clo...
Those familiar with Canada Post know that shipping with a tracking number can get expensive. I sell sports cards, many as low as $1 each. I charge $2.95 for shipping (stamp + bubble nailer + supplies). Regular shipping costs $2.25 but shipping with a...
Im looking to buy bubble mailers in bulk but im not sure where's the best place. I bought on amazon 100x 4x8 for around $35 a few weeks ago but it does not seems like a good price. After research i found 500x mailers for around $130 on some independa...
I'm thinking of offering free shipping on a couple of my more expensive items and absorb the cost in my price to try and boost sales. The problem is I can select free shipping for Canada but when I try to set up the US for free shipping it gives me t...
I ordered my supplies from my coupon on Sep. 12 and it has still not arrived. When I checked the shipping details, it is not even in transit yet, and the delivery date is now Nov. 1st.
I'm close to the top rated seller status i wonder if it's worth doing a push for it for the next update I read on the net many saying it change nothing. But from researchs i personally think i see a tendancy in eBay searchs TPS are almost always uppe...
For the record:Bank holiday: Please note that 1 and 3 January are bank holidays in Canada. Orders paid by buyers on 1 and 3 January will be part of your weekly payout on 11 January.
Hello everyone,I know this has been mentioned here a few times before, but I wanted to post about my recent experience with eBay customer service and just my experience with them in general.Today, I went on a live chat to appeal a defect. I got a def... No price increase for lettermail base rates. ... Solutions for Small Business members will see a parcel price increase mid-January. -|-
Since both Christmas Day and Boxing Day are on the weekend, will Canada Post be closed for 4 days? I am assuming that they won't be delivering mail on the Monday and Tuesday but perhaps someone will know for sure. @dinomitesales Do you have any insig...
I'm not sure how else to word the title.... Here's what happened for an item I sold on Dec 24th. Buyer purchased and paid for item. I got:-no email regarding the transaction-no indication on the item that it was paid for, it shows in the "awaiting pa...
Just out of curiosity, what do you guys (gender neutral!) think is a good sales conversion rate? I stand at 1.8 and really have no idea if that is good, bad or ugly. It must mean something, right?