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So, I did all my shipping, marked everything as shipped. I go into overview and am informed that I have one item awaiting shipment, so I have a look and sure enough my awaiting shipment still shows the same order as not shipped by catagory but strang...
hello everyone , i had an issue with my payouts , all of them giving me payout failed , i did check with ebay and as they said everything seems normal so they reffer me to my bank .... i did call my bank and same answer everything seems normal becaus...
Hi there! So it was a few months ago(?) that ebay sent out that notice that payment would no longer go to Paypal and you had to enter banking information for direct deposit. I have been preoccupied with University work and have not yet had a chance t...
I've never had an address like this before from a buyer. Is this legit? (The 9's represent numeric values, so this is a not the actual PO Box or KX#). I'm not sure what the KX# represents...PO Box 99999 KX 999 999RPO Columbia SquareNew Westminster, B...
I'm using "calculate shipping" on the revise my listing page, and its showing crazy costs for shipping to N and S America, like hundreds of dollars for expresspost internationally. meanwhile for United states it's showing blank. this can't be right. ...
I know I'm way late to the party here, but I have hundreds of listings of old Turbo Lister 2 listings saved on my computer. Since that wonder of a program is long gone, is there any way I can turn those TLB and IMB files into new listings? The SixBit...
I click on each sale one at a time to mark Shipped, it says ITEM MARKED AS SHIPPED but on some sales it doesn't show the symbol. I have received two reminders to ship (which was done days ago). Anyone else or any suggestions. Thanks.
The new shipping option offered by eBay works quite well except in one area in my experience: Small Packet USA. I used it to send an item (19 x 15 x 6 cm, 245 g) for which the Canada Post counter price is $9.48. The eBay price was $9.83 and claimed a...
I have always been able to switch to the Classic View Page. I really don't like the Seller Hub. Takes me multiple clicks to get anywhere. There was always a link at the top right to switch back to the classic view. First time yesterday that it has di...
Is it possible to have Canadian funds go to my Canadian Bank account and US funds go to Paypal? Thanks!
After the ebay payout system was revised, the menu doesn't show phone numbers any more. Canadapost's snapship requires a phone numberof the reciever. The Canadapost's small business discounts does appear to be better than ebay's builtin shipping tool...
i have to sign up for MP this week. I’ve never needed to transfer money to my PayPal account and may need to in the future. How do I transfer $$ from my bank to my account in PayPal?Thanks!
Hello fellow sellers. Has anyone one else experiencing extremely slow mail service with small package airmail to the UK?I have now had 9 buyers in the last month open claims for their items not arriving. This is highly unusual for us.Another coincide...
All I have to say to say... Rename Feedback "Pandora's Box"
It was shocking to see my score go down to 85.7% today from 100% positive feedback. A buyer left me a negative feedback but wrote very good. There's a reply button but I didn't bother asking WHY! It just doesn't makes sense. I used the Request form t...
I joined MP to clear out the rest of the stock I had to sell. I checked off daily as my payment request. On April 6 it has down for the first payment to my bank and I still have not received it yet.When I check E-Bay said every thing was fine and I c...
Ok I'm stupid. This is my first time where a buyer is asking to return an item he claims got damage. Fine... Buyer is in the USA. My problem as a newbie is how do I start to do a return shipping label for someone in the USA to Canada. I sent the pack...
My buyer has an incorrect postal code listed in ebay, but confirmed the correct one via ebay message.Because I switched to MP no longer get paid via PayPal, I can't double check the address matches what's on the payment. Am I still covered by seller ...
Hello i am a top rated seller on ebay but my store has not shown up for over 3 months and hundreds of my adds i can no longer indavidually promote ? I have made over 30 calls since December but still nothing gets done. I Have talked to a suppervisor ...
I just wonder if anyone here also use etsy along with ebay. It's well-known that etsy is more specialized for selling arts and crafts. what is the main reason behind that preference? The overall fees between etsy and ebay seem to have no difference f...
Hi all, I have an item that has sold via an auction but has not been shipped yet. In my auction description, I indicated that the buyer should not pay until they receive my invoice. Here is the listing: The buyer ...
Hey guys,I'm pretty sure I know the answer here, but will just verify with you guys... I'm based out of Calgary, but have listed everything on (not .ca) for years. In my experience, I would typically have less buyers when listing on .ca, whi...
In the process of reviewing my reports in MP in this morning I noticed a new report called April 2021 Tax Invoice. (Note: I am an Alberta Seller that does NOT collect GST on sales.) It does display as a PDF if you wait patiently. It includes a total ...
Hello, I'm a new seller and I'm having some troubles with combined shipping and need some advice. I recently had someone purchase 2 items from me, but they said they could not request a total from me even though I have "Allow buyers to send one combi...
This might have been the case for a while, but I just noticed this today on a sale to Norway, the tax was added automagically as is the case for Australia, NZ, USA, GB Singapore etc.....more to come likely! As a side note, I've noticed lately that th...
Hi. I'm a 20 something college student who has decided to make a few bucks selling off my personal video game collection, as well as flipping the titles i've found at garage sales and the like. All used personal property. So far it's been a fun way t...
Came across this article today: A Canada Post carrier left a trail of theft between January and February of this year. They certainly were busy, amassin...