Seller Central
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This is a new one on me! I am interested to know if it has happened to anyone else. I think this is a hopefully one time glitch but I don't know that for sure. The short version:Item was listed I believe as an auction, it ended as an auction but with...
A new buyer bought a CD from me and the address is an issue. I have sent him 2 emails plus phoned. Address goes like this. This is a made up address not his.Info Made UPJohn Smith (not real name)479 Made up street615 Made up StreetAnywhere, On K1A 2X...
Hoping someone could lead me in the right direction. I sold an item last week. Buyer paid via PayPal ... shipping address in PayPal and eBay matched. I shipped the item on Monday, just to see that it was returned to my post office today, unable to de...
So I sold a box of books and here are the shipping quotes that I got...Canada Post Priority-USA $165.95 (!)Canada Post Xpresspost-USA $66.57Canada Post Expedited-USA $44.72Chit Chat USPS Priority $19.82Chit Chat USPS Media Mail $9.96 (!) LOL...Canada...
Im gonna miss the ship date by 2 days since the fedex driver isnt scheduled to come till Friday. Buyer appears angry and looking at his past feedback left for others it seems like he is difficult to please. He leaves many negatives as well as many po...
@happy_pigeon Ebay Canada staff indicated that protection would be in place for Item Not Received claims. Ebay must SUSPEND the opening of the claims process for INR until the strike is over and the the backlog at Canada Post is cleared:- for all buy...
The last 5 weeks it seems that I am getting some stupid buyers. One of them wants to return the magazine as she though it was a DVD. There is no where "DVD" was listed in listing at all. I told her to return it at her expenses. I am not willing to pa...
Where do I find the buyers address when the case has been closed. Or can I search for that member?
Hey guys! I have been selling on eBay full time for the past 5 years and have not taken any vacations yet. I would like to take 1 week off in Dominican Republic in an all-included hotel. I'll add 7 days to my delivery time to all my listings. I'll ma...
Is anyone aware of a method to completely stop RUSSIAN FEDERATION being added to listings automagically with each relist to the section at the bottom: Additional ship to locations - buyers contact for costs? In my preferences it's positively checked ...
I am having this problem as a seller ie potential buyer has contacted me regarding this. Any ideas of work around ? I have suggested that he try to go to .com to purchase
Is anyone less than impressed with the rollout of this announcement? I was away for two weeks in the latter half of June and came back to see a Chat Support message in the Chit Chats interface about no longer accepting 3rd party labels. I had to extr...
Has anyone had any issues with addresses in Hong Kong? I sent one off and it couldn't be delivered, "Delivery attempt, recipient is unknown". I had even verified the address with the buyer before I sent it. I had to refund the buyer for the item and ...
I put my store on vacation over 12 hours ago, choosing the option to not let buyers buy my items. Woke up this morning to get ready to leave on vacation and, knowing what ebay is like, checked my store to make sure everything was fine. It was NOT!!! ...
Signed up for the $1.00 FVF promotion for July 20 and 21st. Did five new listings. One of them sold today. I was still charged full FVF on sale and shipping. Cannot get in contact with eBay. SO FRUSTRATING.
Quick question, why am i being charged a cross border fee for all the sales i make including ones to Canada? I’m in Canada selling to Canada, no borders are crossed?
I have yet to list an item yet as I still have the free 50 item lists available and ive had my account for awhile but when I try to list an item it gives me this message 'We're unable to increase your selling limits right now.However, we'll review yo...
So... I had to wait until I was a bit calmer to post this. Yesterday I decided to use the migration tool and switch over my items to CDN funds. I did roughly 400 of them before I realized what was happening... Here's what happened: I have an item tha...
After all and said and done, its quite hard for your average joe to turn a profit at all unless the product was given to you for free. Its getting kinda hard in an already competitive world.
I was just revising and listing some new items and I noticed that the mobile-friendly checker isn't working. Since I haven't used it in a while, I was just wondering if it's just a glitch, or is it an option that simply isn't available anymore? I was...
List up to 500 auction-style listings for FREE! Start Date * End Date List auction-style, plus add BIN for free. Excludes 1-day and 3-day listing durations. Learn More - List up to 500 auction-style listings for FREE!- opens in new window or tab 19-J...
I would appreciate some guidance on how to remove right click option on photograph images that I'm selling. This will then prevent potential buyer from saving the image without paying for it. Thanking you in advance for your assistance Regards Mark
As a side note for anyone attempting to look for answers using the dreaded Zombie Post, because that is all they are seeing with a regular search, please click on the magnifier for additional options. Possibly very frustrating for many looking for up...
I have many listings with make offer and got many buyers going saying "I am disabled and would appreciate if you accept my offer" which is often way tooooo low. Should I bow and take pity? I think now. Do you go to Walmart and say "I am disabled and ...
While trying to find Light Packet rates for 2017 using Google Search and reading many pages, I came across this page?
Hey.. i have bought an item on ebay and now i intend to sell that item worldwide! I have my own website where i recieve money but how can i pursue it? I dont want my customers know the real seller name and i want my infodmation instead. What can i do...
Hi Everyone! Looks like my estimated delivery dates/time frame is way off. tyler@ebay Maybe you folks can look into this From the business policies section, eBay lists standard shipping as 1-10 business days and Canada Post Xpresspost as 1-3 business...
Hey guys! For the past 5 years I've only been selling in Canada and the US and rarely ever got any late deliveries issues. About 4 months, ago I decided I would try selling in Western Europe and Australia. I mostly sell stuff around 50$ so I have to ...
There's been some discussion on dotCOM boards about the lack of advertising from eBay.Followed, because it is dotCOM, by complaints about the advertising that is actually being done. Has anyone seen this?I thought it was funny, if a little long.https...
Not matter what I upload for my profile picture, it is always not showing. Anyone knows what I need to do