Seller Central
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When you do your searches do you use .com or .ca and why? Just interested. I mostly search on .com with my US address.
Ebay Seller .CA since 2001 at "billchrests" Jan 2018 has been very slow because can not get on Best Match We were doing much better 5 years ago. 99% of my sales are to USA - 1% to Canada so Site is important 1800 Listings - 1600 on ...
I've got two orders to pack and one involves moving about 50 boxes to find the things that sold. I've spent the better part of my day avoiding this. Can someone come over here and kick me in the butt? Or maybe I'd need to make a list of people who'd ...
I received a neutral feedback due to shipping delays due to bad weather. Buyer stated in feedback item was three days late.I can see in the tracking where the delay occurred where the Ferry wasn't running due to bad weather.How do I remove this neutr...
For those who are new to selling on eBay/PayPal or for those lucky sellers who have never been stung, be prepared to lose money with no recourse. I've been selling very little, but for quite a few years without incident, until last month when I sold ...
I have been having consistent sales over the last few months. Sometimes there is a dry spell but this is bad. I had to go away for a week in Jan to spread MIL's ashes in Hawaii. I closed down for a week and sales have tanked. Take a look.
Hi everyone, If I want to accept a return from a USA buyer back into Canada and print a shipping label (I pay for the shipping fees), what would you suggest? I've seen a few threads and it looked like I can't do this from eBay or Paypal. Is this true...
Bit of a long story but I would really like to know what to do about this, if anything.I just started selling a few months ago, mostly used items, collectables etc. I've been meticulous about customer service and managed to get my feedback ratings up...
Hi, I just noticed while listing that The Picture Pack option now has (fees may apply).I was not able to find any fee prices on the .ca website.Does anyone have any info concerning this? i'm hoping I don't have to revise all my listing again!Thanks
Have you ever had to cancel a sale and refund because you have looked high and low for the item and just can't find it. I sold something I lives in 2016. I have it but when you have thousands of CD's listed and unlisted, sometimes things move. I have...
Tyler this one is meant for you really, if one checks the "popular board discussions" they are all 2013 vintage posts... I think it is just picking the one with the most responses or views...... tyler@ebay (hmm learn something every day I guess one c...
I live in Toronto, CanadaSold my very first item on ebay yesterday so this is the first time I'm going through the workflow So as I attempt to create a shipping label, on the top of the page in red letters I read "Invalid Ship From Postal Code" and u...
I got my shipping supplies today, and when I went to leave feedback, I noticed this informational message. I was leaving positive feedback but this was underneath the place to mark the feedback. "i" You need to wait 7 days before you can leave neutra...
I am looking for a low-cost shipping service to ship my items within Canada. However, Canada Post rates are not what i am comfortable with, please suggest any. Thanks!
I was able to crunch some numbers today (yeah, a sale to the USA).This sample data uses tier 1 rates for Solutions for Small Business (the higher levels have better rates). Conclusion: eBay rates via Shippo are best for Small Packet USA For Tracked P...
A couple of times in the past month, I have had buyers win an auction or buy it now then when they go to pay it shows as free shipping on their end when in fact I have a calculated shipping option on my listing (no free shipping). I believe it is the...
Why do i get this message when want to see items? was not there before Unfortunately, access to this particular item has been blocked due to legal restrictions in some countries. We are blocking your viewing in an effort to prevent restricted items f...
I created some labels about a week ago and due to car trouble and weather wasn't able to make it to the PO until now. Has anyone ever had a parcel refused because the label was created too long ago.
I'm wondering whether any other sellers have experienced long delays in letter mail shipments within Canada since Christmas. I sent a vintage clothing item via letter mail (in a bubble envelope) to Dauphin, Manitoba on December 18th and the buyer tel...
I'm not a big time seller i sell maybe 1 or 2 items per year, anyway I put an iphone up for sale for $250 it sold for $265+14$ shippingi was happy about that because listing it was practically free. And people on kijiji and letgo couldn't offer anyth...
Hi - I've spent an hour now browsing for answers -got side tracked too on many interesting answers to other questions -alas always no time for learning as listing takes sooo long for me.So - I have some heavy items right now - CPR Manikins in a Suitc...
tyler@ebay The dreaded "Shipping cannot be calculated. Please enter a valid Postal / Zip code." continues to appear on DOT.CA, DOT.COM and DOT.UK. Oddly, there is no error on DOT.DE. The Germans know how to do things properly I guess. In my case the ...
How do you send an invoice to a customer with the price that is agreed upon? I usually change the price of the item for the person to buy but I've had sellers send me the offer with the price agreed to.I would prefer to send an invoice but do not kno...
well. im done with ebay. tired of getting ripped off. im not the only one to go, and im sure more will follow. hopefully the closure goes smooth. im off to ioffer. thanks everyone for your help and advice.
If you sell something on eBay and the buyer scams you, claiming that they received something else (of zero value), and they open a case with PayPal, you (as the seller) will almost always lose - regardless of your or the buyer's reputation score on e...
Hello, I recently moved and updated my registration and shipping addresses to reflect to my new location however there was no option for me to change my "ships from" location. How do I change my item location for all of my listings? Will the ebay sys...
Hi! So I sold a 230$ camera to a US buyer 6 months ago. I bought shipping using PayPal but didn't use a tracked method. Today I received a message from PayPal letting me know about the claim on my account. The sale is so old I'm unable to find it in ...
Hi! Still learning my way through eBay's complexity... Up until now, I would just leave the default option to allow the buyers to "not pay" instantly. I see there is an option that would "force" buyers to pay instantly on purchase. Would I be loosing...
Hey guys.I've been buying on eBay for a while, decided that I should finally sell some stuff. Anyways I'm unsure about what shipping options are best for a Canadian seller who's listing video games of dvd case size.I'd like to be able to ship within ...
I often look at listings of items for sale by other sellers. Within days, eBay will send to my email a notice that some item I had viewed is now at a lower price or no longer available. Yesterday I listed an lp and by mistake put the price at $2400 i...