Seller Central
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I've noticed recently that offers have been sent out to buyers on behalf of myself on random listings of mine, but I am not sending them. This came to my attention when one of the items sold for a price lower than the list price. Ebay customer servic...
need to increase number of sales before the 20 th of month to get back to good glaces with ebay and lower charging rate 6% lower that is -- tried selling all my listings at 45% to 50 to 65 % off my already low prices -- don't increase sales still abo...
plmk, thank you. i tried 2 of the popular ones but they would not work. im using firefox on a acer windows 10 home computer. i tried wonder lister and some other one (forget the name) and both did not work.
I remarked on this topic a few weeks ago, but I was unaware at that time as to the extent of this problem. (When I went to revisit the thread after a couple of weeks, I noticed that it had disappeared. I was curious as to why .... it's the first time...
Ebay seriously needs to get someone who is competent to run the show. All of a sudden i am being charged Gallery Plus Fees on random listings. I have never, ever used Gallery Plus in my life. However, i have had the fees credited back about 20 hours ...
I auction a lot of stuff at the same start price it will be if it doesn't sell and then goes BIN, but it has been a very very long time since I've run a 99c auction.I've noticed that some of my "watchees" succeed in getting some very good results wit...
it was one of your suggestions that it would help sells
i have sold shoes on ebay and they have gone to someone first to be checked for authenticity before going to the buyer no problems. i recently sold a pair to someone in Mexico and using eBay labels, i used the choice given and sent them just like bef...
I have had this happen a couple of times before. Not sure if Canada Post's fault or eBay's but have tried over the course of 40 minutes or so to print a label & it just keeps giving me an error message to print later. This is of course annoying but w...
Hello everybody, I am having a hard time finding a good source for boxes and bubble wrap, mailers etc. Can anyone here recommend a good wholesale company in Canada and better yet in B.C.?
Just as an FYI for anyone that uses the Gallery plus feature on a regular basis. You may want to check your bills. (Topic was closed for questions.) Changes to Optional Listing UpgradesStarting April 1, 2023, Bold and Gallery Plus listing upgrade fee...
I was looking for some insight as I have recently tried to make my eBay a secondary source of income. I am getting a lot of messages about shipping. The majority of my sales are graded cards which I always send tracked however I am getting asked freq...
Seems like I always get a sale or three soon after the Superbowl ends.
With the last update for watchers the count was attached to each listing when you hit 5. Anyone know if that is still the case? On my curent listings all I am now seeing is Ships from Canada, Returns accepted and/or New. From my past experience if/wh...
How is eBay able to collect sales tax on the shipping cost? I've just sold an item for $5 + postage $17.90 (yes, Canada Post at work) = $22.90 on which eBay has slapped 12% for the buyer. $2.75 tax on an item worth $5??
This is something very unusual. I got an offer from a buyer blocked since 13 months! I accepted the offer, then I realized the buyer was on my black list. It happens often that the banned buyers try to buy again, but they use other nicknames, but thi...
I have some livenation digital cash codes to use and have a discount on ticketmaster and i wonder if it's against eBay rules to list them? It's basically like a digital gift card/code. I did read the policies about it but it's not all clear to me 1. ...
Hi eBayYou are raising fees again. That raises the idea that I should seriously leave eBay for another platform.Keep going and I will leave.
So this past year I decided to start selling my old pokemon cards that I'd had lying around since I was a kid. Sold about 50 cards for around $1115 total after fees and shipping label purchases. No individual item sold for more than $500. Hard to get...
WOW the 10th anniversary of me producing these!! Main overall note: In 2022 I shipped a higher percentage of NON tracked items, I'm usually running under 10% tracked now, folks were buying "smaller" stuff for the last half of the year. Overall Notes:...
I recently sold a camera. The camera works amazing but the lens does not. Therefore I listed as used, and put in the title to read the description. In the description I repeatedly said the camera body works great and will work great with other lenses...
Is it true that, when importing goods for commercial use, only the GST (5%) applies ? Provided it goes through a custom broker I guess... For example, if I buy collections/lots of stamps in the US for resale. Thanks !
Hey yall! Hope you're all making sales and the weekend was nice. Just curious. What are any tips that you have for what to do with listings during sales downtime (when sales are quiet) I am curious as to what might help?Thanks,Jake
Just wondering if draft listings ever expire or auto delete? Looking at doing some prep for items to list in the spring and early summer and was wondering about this.
I've had three packages held up at the Chicago Distribution Center for 5-7 days now with no other updates. Anyone else seeing delays in US shipments?
I know nothing about stamps but I found these when going through my in-laws things. They travelled a lot after retirement so thinking these were bought as a souvenier? Anyway, these aren't worth much but wondered if I should bother to list them or ju...
Regarding the latest fee inrease: Example: $20 Sale + $3.50 Shipping = $23.50 + $3.06 (13% HST) = TOTAL: $26.56 FVF = (TOTAL-Shipping) x 13.25% = $3.06HST on FVF = FVF x 13% = $.40FVFS = Shipping x 13.25% = $.46HST on FVFS = FVFS x 13% = $.06MP Fee =...
In the last few weeks I have had 4 buyers wanting to have combined shipping, I have tried, all my settings are correct, but it is just not working. 2 of them just gave up. I am having to send special listing for each one. This has been going on for s...