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Resolved! Government ID verification for MP glitch

Just wondering if anyone else has had this issue. I got an email last week requesting verification of identity asking for passport number or driving licence number, so that my managed payments could be activated, when I tried to add them I just got a...

Glitch in the eBay App resetting the Handling cost - calculated shipping only to zero

tyler@ebay When I start a new listing (existing template or brand new) on the desktop, add pictures on the App, then go back on the desktop for a last edit and listing, I notice that the App consistently resets the Handling cost - calculated shipping...

Need Help - Funds on hold because I don't have tracking details, but I can't get any

Recently shipped off a Nintendo Switch game to a buyer, and since the package was so tiny for the game, it was going through Canada Post lettermail. The shipping was decently cheap, but they wanted another $20 for the tracking number, which I said no...

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Shipping Prices

Just totally for my own curiosity... Why does a package with dimensions of 24x19x1.5 cm with a weight of .05 KG cost 13.13 to ship to Florida but costs 19 to ship to an address an hour from my house in ontario?

Would it be in bad taste to call the police on a buyer for not returning items?

Short V: Sold an item, they claimed it wasn't as described, I spoke to eBay and they issued sellers protection with the assurance that they'd handle it all pls remove the -refund hold. Filed it as a false claim as well. Then got a message from eBay s... listings delivery estimate totally wrong

For those selling on how accurate are your delivery estimate dates? I'm getting annoyed at how wrong they are for me. My listings are set to same day handling/shipping with UPS 3-Day shipping. All my orders to US get delivered in 2 business ...

New shipping policies

This is a dog's breakfast. I hate it. Anyone else having a problem? I have wasted so much time on this.

Almost got charged $1 for revising an item?

I was changing the category of one of my items because Ebay stuck it in the wrong sub category when they added all their new sub categories. So i moved it and was about to click 'revise' when i noticed the $1 plus tax charge. What's up with that? So ...

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Preferred Way to Ship Via CP Online

Good afternoon all, I've been selling for a few years, and have only ever taken my items in to the post office once a week to have physically shipped. Naturally, this takes a bit of time, and is certainly not the most efficient. Part of it was becaus...

New Listing Format/Tool I went to revise one of my listings this fine morning, here in Montreal. And I found myself face to face with that (already being battered and bruised) Listing layout, tool, mess (item specifics anyone). I got as far as looking at the "simplifi...

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Any Pool Noodle fans?

Anyone else a fan of pool noodles for packing? I ship some heavier gear and odd shaped stuff and use them pretty often. The compression is just right to cushion but not bottom out. Slices can be cut off for small items, cut in half to create corner p...

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Item Specifics - change to Books

I just noticed the IS for books now has Required - which it won't post without and is only no-brainers like Language, Title and AuthorRecommendedand Additional - where there is a longish list of not always applicable IS.Neither of the latter need to ...

No I will not set up a special listing for you.

The item has been up for less than 24 hours. The member tells me he can't make an offer, because he has two UID Strikes already. But if I would reduce the price he could pay. And of course he is on a Fixed Income. Surprise little buddy. I have member...

Resolved! Default Item Location is wrong in new listing page

Was just forced to use the new listing page and noticed my Item Location is defaulting to my old address postal code. I changed it on my first listing and hoped it would remember but it doesn't my second listing still have the old postal code. I've c...

Refunding minus original shipping

Hi, I need to refund a client for the full purchase price of an item, but not for the original shipping. How to do this in the returns menu when a client requests a return? When I choose a partial refund, it lists ONLY the item price, does not mentio...

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Resolved! new listing tool

Well, I either hit a wrong key or I have been forced to try the new listing tool and am not liking it. How do I get the old tool back? Thanks in advance!

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well my financials are in for the summer and it looks like i have some improvment not much but some have been trying to cost cut here and there to improve my results and some of them worked my sales are down but thats everyone on - has to say...

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Proving Delivery when Paying at CP counter.

How do you prove delivery when you pay at the Canada Post counter? The receipt you are given only has the zip or postal code on it, it does not have the address shipped to. Even if something is tracked you do not have proof that the tracking was for ...

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Became harder to compete on ebay since canadian sellers registered on .com don't charge tax

It's has become harder to compete on ebay as a hobby seller ever since ebay started charging tax by themselves. It's not that charging tax is wrong, but the problem is US sellers don't charge tax, and canadian sellers who registered on .com don't cha...

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search on Ebay

Hi, I search regularly in "Sort by category" I enter "Canada" and in "All category" I select "Stamps". For some time I have noticed that the result gives "Auction" and "Auction" items with "Buy it Now" option only. There is never an item with "Good '...

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Buyer Making False Return Claim

Hi guys, I have a return request right now where action needs to be taken by Aug. 30th. I sold a brand new Blu-ray box set, originally released in 2013. The buyer is claiming: Digital copy is expired (9 year old set, so this shouldn't be a surprise t...

Any known issues with USPS Sacramento Ca Distribution Center?

I have a package that is seemingly just circling endlessly at the USPS Sacramento California Distribution Center. Note that the facility is just 12 miles from the delivery address. Aug 17, 202212:00amPROCESSED THROUGH USPS FACILITYSACRAMENTO CA DISTR...

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searching listings

Hi, Has Ebay changed the advanced search?? it will not bring up any items if I try to exclude the words "new, nwt, nib" . So I have to wade through thousands of New items.....very very very annoying. Anyone else have this issue, do you know how to fi...

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